
The Pop Up Cinema Vertoningsloket has been opened!


The Pop Up Cinema vertoningsloket

We're always looking for audiovisual work and creators to approach for screenings and/or other collaborations.

Do you want to be part of our database? Then register for our so-called "Vertoningsloket". Are we organizing a screening with a specific theme, or looking for work with a link to a location and/or organization? We consult our database for finding these matches. Who knows, your work might fit perfectly with one of our Pop Up Cinema events in the future.

Would you like to become part of this database? Complete the form below and send it by email to to be stored in our database.

Download the sign-up form here.

Stay informed with the mailing for professionals

Do you want to stay informed about open calls and other collaboration opportunities? Sign up for our mailing for professionals. If specific moments occur where you can submit your work or ideas for an event we will keep you informed via this mailing.

Please note that the mailing will be sent out in Dutch.